Below is a list of recurring events for expats in La Paz – the events I’m aware of. It’s current as of March 2024. Email me if you know of others to add to the list. These are free events where a large group of foreigners typically attend.



Open Mic Night at Bar de Cortes 6pm Very popular event hosted by Pablo. Limited menu. Find out more about this and all other music events in the Tokines LPZ Facebook Group.

Open Mic Night at Capuchino at 7pm (ish.) I’m not sure how many people are going to this open mic – most seem to have moved to . Find out more at Capuchino’s website.

Spanglish Conversation Club evenings downtown. I haven’t been in a long time and I’m not sure of the times. There is a WhatsApp group. Reach out to Fabiola by WhatsApp for details: +52 1 612 159 9152


Trivia Night at Por Supuesto 7:30 pm. This one is new to me, and I’ve never been, but it seems like a gringo friendly event.


Newbies Lunch, location varies, 1pm. Join a big group of expats for lunch. Details in the Newbies of La Paz Facebook Group



Pickleball at Pedregal and San Juan Social Club from about 8:30am til 11am on most Saturdays. And lots of other times during the week.


Almost Retired in Mexico Happy Hour (or maybe brunch.) I host this event when I’m in town (November thru April and other random times.) Locations vary. Typically 6:30pm either downtown La Paz or El Centenario. I post events to my Facebook Group Almost Retired in Mexico.

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